lubrication payment

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Englannin sanakirja

lubrication payment (englanti > suomi)

  1. voiteluraha

lubrication payment englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä A bribe or extorted money, usually relatively small in amount, provided to a low-level government official or business person, in order to expedite a business decision, shipment, or other transaction, especially in a country where such payments are not unusual.

  2. 1995, Mark E. Mendenhall et al., Global Management, ISBN 9781557866356,,M1 p. 145:

  3. A lubrication payment is a small payment to low-level business people or government officials to "grease the wheels" of business.
  4. 2001, Y. H. Wong and Thomas K. Leung, Guanxi: Relationship marketing in a Chinese context, ISBN 9780789012906,,M1 p. 105:

  5. Lubrication payments are made with requests for a person to perform a task faster or more efficiently, whereas subornation is an is an act of asking officials to neglect their duties or do something illegal.
